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I spend much of my free time on adoption stuff. There are the hours spent collecting all the documents to send to US immigration, requesting our birth certificates for the umpteenth time because they have to be authorized copies from within the past 4 months, and writing letters to China about why they should let us parent one of their kids. Then, there is grant paperwork. Net income. Gross income. Life insurance. How much we give away. Groceries. Haircuts. How much we spend on every single thing each month. It’s all in there. Then, there is planning fundraisers and looking at the spreadsheet that doesn’t add up to where we need to be.

With all of that, it’s so easy to forget that there is a little boy on the other side of this. So today, today I sat and looked at all the pictures we have of him, and I watched the adorable videos we were sent. His smile, his eyes, his sweet voice– I’m a puddle of tears and completely smitten all over again. And I would fill out every paper in the entire world to get him in my arms. We are coming, Caleb!