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Disciple, wife, mother.

Eye on the Prize

Eye on the Prize

I spend much of my free time on adoption stuff. There are the hours spent collecting all the documents to send to US immigration, requesting our birth certificates for the umpteenth time because they have to be authorized copies from within the past 4 months, and...

Let Me Tell You What He’s Done for Me

Let Me Tell You What He’s Done for Me

So often when adoption comes up, people will comment that they would like to adopt, but it's too expensive. I have always told people not to let that stand in their way; God provides. And yet, as we are back in the process of fundraising, I find myself experiencing...

Back to China

Back to China

Many of you reading this probably know our story. 2017 was filled with craziness. We brought our daughter home from China, switched schools, changed churches-- and we did all of it in a matter of weeks. I excitedly declared 2018 to be the year of little excitement or...

Stop Making Plans

Stop Making Plans

I need to stop making plans for my life. I'm not sure why I haven't learned this lesson already. It seems that every time the Lord changes my plans I just make new ones from that point. Then, He surprises me again, disrupting my plans, and then I make all new plans....

Passionate about the Lord

Jesus has changed everything. As a family, we are stepping into what the Lord is calling us to in the everyday rigmarole of life. We fail, but His faithfulness and forgiveness never do.


My Story

In 2011, the Lord opened our eyes to the life He had for us through the Truth of His Word. We realized the dream we had for our lives, while fitting for middle-class America, was not in alignment with Scripture. We dug into the Word and we were forever changed. Praise the Lord!

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